Born 3 April 1884 at Prahran, Victoria. Educated Armadale State School and Wesley College. Victorian Public Service 1901–11, Department of Lands and Survey and Crown Solicitor's Office. Appointed to Commonwealth Department of the Treasury 1911. Graduated LLB University of Melbourne 1914. Appointed to newly created Clerk position (professional division) Crown Solicitor's Office 1913. Transferred to Sydney office 1918. Admitted barrister and solicitor of the High Court 1920. Appointed Deputy Crown Solicitor 1921. Moved to new federal capital in Canberra as Assistant Crown Solicitor in 1927. Significant issues as Crown Solicitor from 1936 included national insurance initiative, 1944 referendum on Commonwealth powers, bank nationalisation litigation and legal work relating to the Second World War. Accompanied Australian delegation to Paris Peace Conference 1946, arguing for international human rights laws. Retired 2 April 1949. Continued involvement in United Nations matters as adviser to Department of External Affairs. Wide-ranging contributions to the Canberra community, especially to educational institutions, cultural activities and Christian associations. Died aged 77 on 8 December 1961, in Canberra.
A biographical profile for this author is being prepared for inclusion on the site.